Bringing Mediterranean Beauty
& Timeless Design to Your Home
01 about
Cielo e Colori is a Calgary-based company specializing in handpicked European tiles that bring the beauty and charm of the Mediterranean into your home.
Our vision is to capture the vibrant colours, rich textures, and timeless stories of European culture, creating spaces that transport you to your favourite destinations.
We offer custom, unique tile designs that turn your home into a vibrant canvas of elegance and style.
Whether you're a home builder, renovator, interior designer, or homeowner in Calgary, we’re here to help you elevate your space with designs inspired by the charm of Europe.
02 Inspiration
03 clients
Get ready to bring the stunning beauty of European tiles into your home!
Our upcoming collection will feature custom designs inspired by the Mediterranean, with vibrant colours, rich textures, and timeless elegance.
As we curate our selection, we’ll help you bring your vision to life
with the perfect tiles for your space.
Stay tuned—our carefully chosen European tiles are coming soon, designed to transform your home with unique character and style.
04 contact
For inquiries and sample requests, please contact us at maria@cielecolori.com
Tel: 1-403-700-6742